Sunday, July 17, 2011

How's Your Summer Going?

Every year in the first week of class in grade school we wrote the requisite report on summer.  It's too soon to call Summer 2011 over by a long shot, but here's a preview edition of "How I Spent My Summer Vacation by Roger and Candi Merrill."

Roger walked Sophie every day on the Greenough Park loop trail.

We spent Memorial Day beside Lake Coeur d'Alene.
We nurtured ourselves by nurturing our garden.

We supported our friend and neighbor, Dave Strohmaier, in his run for Congress.

The 4th of July in Garnet Ghost Town with Taylor.

The Pow Wow in Arlee.

What the photos don't say is that we cleaned the garage and mowed the lawn.  We visited with friends and family.  We barbequed.  We laughed.  We rested and recuperated after a long, challenging winter.  Candi went back to her graduate studies.  Roger healed.  Our life had a few limitations, but barely enough to slow us down.

At 8 months post-transplant, life was good and very good.