Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 100

Good Job, Roger!


  1. A picture is worth a thousand words. Just fabulous! Pack up those boxes.

  2. I agree with Sue! Keep packing...there is something to be said for being home.

  3. Congratulations to both of you! Lots of hard work, determination, and I think, a LOT of love!

  4. AWESOME! Now that is the kind of news/posts we like to read about.

    Keep up the good work (both of you).

  5. 8 yrs ago today, Candi (mom) was with me in Yuma, AZ to help me through a bittersweet time in my life. Casey was deployed to Kuwait and I was about to have our first child. I was alone after he left (Feb 2003) and very scared. Kylee Amber McKinney was born at 7:57pm on March 6, 2003. Thank you mom for helping me and thank you Roger for being so unselfish in regards to mom staying with me for 3 months.

    Even though this is a difficult time for you both, I know you wouldn't want to be anywhere else but with each other. A love like yours can withstand anything and get through the darkest days.

    A new life was born that night and I hope you look upon this as starting a new life as well.

    I love you both.


Please leave a message for Roger if you would care to.