Sunday, June 19, 2011

Good Pizza!

We don't have any real news today, just some fun photos to share with you.

 We keep thinking this is the last week, the last day it will be cool enough to make dinner in the oven, but the cold weather drags on and on.  Today it actually felt good to stand next to a 500 degree oven.  We'd like to have some summer weather, but homemade pizza is a good consolation prize. 
 Roger, the art director, makes sure it looks just right.

 You can't just put the tomatoes on in any old way.  The pizza has to be visually pleasing.

Red, green and yellow tomatoes from the Farmer's Market.  Who could grow a tomato in this cool weather?  The tomato plants on our patio are only ten inches tall.  I suspect these came from a hothouse!

Where ever they came from, heirloom tomatoes, artfully arranged, make a fine pizza.


  1. An artistic masterpiece of a pizza!

  2. guys are too funny, I was laughing so hard while reading this!! I miss you!!


Please leave a message for Roger if you would care to.