Saturday, September 17, 2011

September 17, 2011

There's not a lot of news from the Merrill household this week.  We are still waiting to see if the chemo worked.  Roger has been on "support" (meaning 1-2 transfusions every day) for the last three weeks.
We had a bit of good news on Thursday.  His neutrophils doubled overnight.  That means his body is working -- producing something worthwhile.  Only a bone marrow biopsy will tell whether it is working hard enough and doing the right thing. What is happening inside those bones?  So, although it hasn't been long since his last biopsy, he'll have another one on Monday.  It will be a few days before we get news, but of course, we will post it as we get it.

In the mean time, Roger is sleeping well, eating well, walking the dog every day, and working at his computer a little.  He gets tired easily, but overall is not feeling too bad.

The hardest part is the waiting.  Our nerves are frayed.


  1. Roger and Candi -- sending positive energy. Sharon and Craig

  2. You are OVERDUE for some good news-- it's coming! Stay strong! We're all thinking of you.


Please leave a message for Roger if you would care to.