Sunday, February 3, 2013

Sophie Mopes

Sophie has taken up residence in Roger's chair in the kitchen.
Sophie is used to being walked 5 times a day.  I'm not kidding.  By her rules, one of those walks each day should take about an hour and go through Greenough Park or along the Clark Fork River trail.  You can see why she mopes and misses Roger.  I walk her as much as I can, but I cannot accommodate her to that extent.  It's the first-thing-in-the-morning and last-thing-at-night walks that I'm finding most  difficult now.  I have only been sleeping every other night, so some nights it's hard to stay awake for Sophie's last walk.  Some days it's hard to get up early for her first walk.  (I have made a doctor appointment next week to see what can be done about this sleep situation.)
Soon I'll go back to work.  Sophie will go to day care at Ready, Pet, Go 3 days a week.  Romping with other dogs will help her burn off some of her anxiety.  It's fun for her and less worry for me.  Eventually Sophie's first-thing-in-the-morning and last-thing-at-night walks will help me solidify a routine for myself so that I can sleep better.
Things are a little rough right now, but Sophie and I are working it out.


  1. Sweet Sophie, she will help you through. A great animal lover (Doris Day) once said this:

    "I have found that when you are deeply troubled, there are things you get from the silent devoted companionship of a dog that you can get from no other source.”

  2. Sophie will have you "trained" in no time!!

    Sophie, you're such a suck!! know that she's gonna love going to Lori's 3 days a week!!

  3. There is not much else better than to be loved by your dog because they are such good judges of character.



Please leave a message for Roger if you would care to.