Friday, November 26, 2010

Ties That Bind

A friend is someone who knows all about you and loves you anyway.

Studies have shown that people that have a loving intimate relationship with a partner are better able to cope with stress.  I would elaborate on that by saying that times of extreme stress call for a team approach.  Roger and I rely on each other, but we also have family and friends, business associates, acquaintances, medical support staff both here and at home in Missoula, and an extended network of transplant survivors that seems to be growing every day.  Altogether a pretty wonderful support system.

Each person in our life brings a particular strength, talent and point of view.  Some of you provide important anchors that give us reason to go on day after day.  Some of you make us laugh, or provide entertainment or comfort.  Some of you drive on slippery roads on our behalf.  Some of you bring expertise and experience.  All of you remind us that we are part of a larger world that exists beyond the walls of this hospital room.

On this day in 1994 Roger and I met.  On this day in 2003 we were married.  Today, we celebrate both anniversaries and "Day 2" post-transplant.

Thanks to all of you for celebrating with us.  Thanks for being a part of our world.


  1. Wishing you a very Happy Anniverary, Candi & Roger. I hope it's been a good day and you've had time to celebrate a bit. You certainly deserve it.

  2. When you start throwing around those dates and years, you take us all on a trip down memory lane. Well said- without the connections, who are we?

    Hope there was a little something extra on the dinner tray tonight.


Please leave a message for Roger if you would care to.