Friday, November 18, 2011

November 18, 2011

We've had a couple of tense weeks waiting for results of Roger's most recent bone marrow biopsy. We both had an intuitive sense that the news would be positive or maybe we had just slipped into wishful thinking.  It's hard to make objective observations when so much hinges on seeing the right symptoms.

Roger has been feeling strong and is more energetic than he has been for a year and half.  He's gained a few pounds and has had to revert to his pre-leukemia pants with a larger waistband.  His stamina and his mood have improved.  A few days ago he broke out in a  rash on his chest and back that looks like prickly heat.  It was biopsied and confirmed to be Graft versus Host Disease.  That means his immune system is working and causing GVH but we wondered if his immune system is doing what we really wanted it to do.  Is it fighting leukemia?

We held our breath waiting for a conference call from the Transplant Team in Salt Lake to discuss biopsy results.  The call came this afternoon.  Drum roll please....

  • There is no evidence of leukemia.  Roger is 100% in remission.
  • The DNA in Roger's bone marrow is now a 100% match with his brother's.
  • He has a mild case of Graft versus Host Disease. 
< huge sigh of relief here >

What does this all mean?  It is not a guarantee that the leukemia won't come back.  Sadly, life never offers guarantees.  AML is a very aggressive form of leukemia and Roger's case has modeled that aggressiveness.  But for now, this is the best possible news that we could hope for.  We just want to keep it going.  The longer Roger's new and improved bone marrow and immune system can fight any leukemia cells that pop up, the better the chances the leukemia will be wiped out altogether.  That's right, we still have reason to hope we're on the path to a cure.

Last year we ordered a bland Thanksgiving dinner from the hospital menu and made the best of it.  We thought we might have to do it again this year.  I have never been so glad to be wrong!  We'll be having a very happy Thanksgiving at home, with many extra helpings of THANKS.

Right after Thanksgiving, we'll be on the road to Salt Lake City again.  Staying on track, staying healthy, fighting for a cure.


  1. Absolutely, the most wonderful news!! Thanks for making my weekend and thank you God for answering prayers!!!!!!! Beckie

  2. Wow...this is such wonderful news. I am so grateful! Thank you, guys, for not giving up or allowing "opinions" to get you off track from the highest vision of a cure. You are such an important part of my life and I am so glad you are doing what you are doing to get that vision realized. Love you!

  3. THANK YOU!!! this post brought tears to my eyes~ i've followed this blog since my brother was diagnosed and just want you to know how much i appreciate you sharing your story and how positive you both are! i've been "nervous" for this griz/cat game all week~ so thank you for giving me back it doesn't really matter what happens in the game, with this wonderful news it's a GREAT weekend no matter what! thank you again, and know that you are brightening lives of people you don't even know!!!

  4. That is the best news ever. How wonderful. Love Jill

  5. This is the best possible news at the best possible time. Have a wonderful holiday week. All of us will say a Thanksgiving prayer for you.

  6. Roger and Candi -- Fantastic! A miracle of medicine and downright determination! Love, Sharon and Craig

  7. Lisa and I are whooping....... Hooray for Roger, Hooray for Candi....Hooray for all the friends and family.

    We are thrilled to hear this news and wish you continued good news. You sincerely deserve it!


    Mike & Lisa

  8. That is wonderful to hear. Alyssa just had a her second bone biopsy after her transplant and we are waiting for the results. It is good to hear some great news. You two have a GREAT Thanksgiving. So much better than last year.

  9. Wow. I really believe in the power of positivity after reading this. You two are still absolutely amazing in my mind! Jackson just said to tell you both congratulations. Then he said, "They showed that cancer who is boss!" Amen.
    I'm so happy that your lives can ease up and you can get back to the business of relaxing a little and enjoying the life you have worked so hard to build together.


Please leave a message for Roger if you would care to.