Saturday, December 17, 2011

A Christmas Greeting To All Our Family and Friends

We've already gotten our Christmas present this year, and it was just what we wanted.

Lazy, lazy, lazy describes us.  After so much drama the last few months Roger and I are planning to just relax and enjoy this holiday season.  A pretty Christmas tree, a special dinner, time together and best of all, good health is the best Christmas present we've ever had.  We don't need another thing.

Roger has a slight case of GVH, but it's calmed down quite a bit.  We have to pay attention to his appetite and keep his weight up, but even that doesn't seem too daunting.  The rash and sensitive mouth have settled down.  His blood counts remain strong.  This is exactly what we want.  The longer we can keep this going, the better our chances of beating leukemia altogether.

To our family and friends - we wish you the kind of contentment we're experiencing this year.  Peace and Joy.

Odd how things have changed in such a short time. From light to dark and back again. Candi and I are sharing a calm, sweet holiday with our dog Sophie. I want to thank everyone for their support. 
Love and kisses. 


  1. Well, I can't speak for everyone who has followed your beautiful blog this past year, but we wish you quiet, peace and health, the greatest gifts for Christmas. And many thanks for sharing the journey with your friends.
    Love, Sue and John

  2. A very Merry Christmas to all of us. We are so happy things are going better. Love and miss you both!

    Love, Lisa

  3. You said it perfectly Sue. You've had a daunting year Candi & Roger, and we have all rode along as you've shared the journey with all of us. I think even that took courage and I thank you for making my year just a little more special. Peace and Love to you this season. I love you both.

  4. Happy New Year to the Merrill's. Lisa and I have both experienced flash backs to December 2010 and you both were there.

    We are thrilled to hear of your successes and want to wish you a peaceful, wondrous 2012 filled with laughter and discovery. God bless you both.

    Sincerely, Mike & Lisa


Please leave a message for Roger if you would care to.