Thursday, February 14, 2013

What's Next?

One week.  Two weeks.  Three weeks.  A month.  If I've survived this long, does that mean I'll survive the long haul? 

My life is suddenly so very different.   I went from being on duty as caretaker and jack-of-all-trades 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to having no one to care for but myself.  Well - and Sophie, of course.  Those who are left behind must transition too.

I wonder if there is such a thing as post-leukemia PTSD?  If there is, I've got it. 

What happens after the worst has happened?  I don't miss the damnable disease, the distress or the anxiety.  I don't mind being alone.  I just miss Roger.


  1. You have always been strong and independent, but you don't ALWAYS have to be. Let yourself deal with the transition and know we think of you often and you are so loved.

  2. Lisa couldn't have said it better!! We all are thinking of you (not much comfort, I know), and we all LOVE you so much!!

  3. I also think Lisa said it perfectly. Not a day goes by that I don't think of you. And yes, you are loved. ~Tammy

  4. Candi, I think of Roger and you every day. Don't have any words, all I manage to do is sigh with heavy heart.



Please leave a message for Roger if you would care to.