Sunday, March 31, 2013

Goodbye, Bone Marrow Boogie

Not that it hasn't been a million laughs, but it is time for this blog to end.  Those who are interested, please feel free to follow me to my new blog, Widowhood 101.  Here's a link to take you right to it:

I know not all of you will be coming with me, so before I sign off for the last time, I want to thank you.  You have all been so tremendously supportive.  Roger and I both appreciated your concern, your words of wisdom, basically, just the fact that you paid attention when we needed you to.
Thank you. 


  1. Dear Candi,
    We all owe you a huge thank-you for sharing the story with with such grace and courage over the years. The blog will always be a wonderful tribute to your life together. Through all the ups and downs, hope and heartbreak, we always felt we were with you and Roger.

    And now as you start a new phase of your life, John and I are so happy you'll continue writing-- you have a wonderful gift!

  2. Institute of Excellence was established by Dr. Vikas Dua to create awareness about Blood Disorder and how Bone Marrow transplant can save lives. Dr. Dau has been vocal about the use of Bone Marrow Transplant and his efforts in field of Half Match Transplant has been recognised Nationally & Internationally.


Please leave a message for Roger if you would care to.