Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A Quiet Week at Home

Roger was checked at the BMT outpatient clinic this morning and we're cleared to stay home until next week.  I hope my blog postings get really boring during the interim.  We don't want any excitement.  Our only plan for the holiday is to fatten Roger up a bit.

Have a wonderful Christmas, everyone.  Enjoy our video.  This is really us.  Seriously.


  1. Man, that Sophie really knows how to cut a rug! Who knew!? You all look great. Eat, drink and be merry for the next week (in a quiet and germ-free way, of course)!

  2. Well...Glad to see that Roger is feeling better!

  3. We'll be raising some toasts to you in this Christmas house! Snuggle up and enjoy a peaceful rest.


Please leave a message for Roger if you would care to.