Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Something is Happening Here

Roger is slow and sleepy.  He lacks focus and is prone to nod off several times a day.  He reports strange dreams.  His mind wanders to weird places even while awake.  He fights nausea all the time now and can barely eat anything.  Yesterday it took him 3 hours to down an 8oz protein shake.  And yet, his medical team seems pleased, delighted even, with his progress.  They say he is responding like a patient who had been transplanted with his own cells rather than those of a donor.

They attribute the fogginess of mind and the strange dreams to the medications: anti-biotic, anti-fungal, anti-virus and anti-rejection drugs.  He'll be weaned off them all in time.

It's hard to celebrate when Roger feels ill, but his doctors are tickled pink.  Today is Day 14.  His platelet count is holding steady and his morning blood test shows neutrophils are present!


  1. Roger-- we are so sorry you feel like crap but this is the kind of news we've all been waiting for. Hang in there! Big hugs!

  2. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

  3. the way. I feel so powerful because I was visualizing the Neutrophils growing and growing last night. I feel like I am helping in a small way.

  4. You ARE helping, thank you so much! I'm convinced everyone is helping with their positive thoughts, prayers and visualizations. Keep on doing it, we need more neutrophils.

  5. Yippee!!! As long as the docs are "tickled pink," it's all good.


Please leave a message for Roger if you would care to.