Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How Does This Thing Work?

We haven't used an alarm clock in weeks, perhaps months, but it will be set for tomorrow morning.  Instead of Roger's regular weekly appointment, the clinic called and asked us to come to the hospital early and plan to stay late.  Roger will be repeating all the same tests he had in October, plus a bone marrow biopsy.  These are the 100-Day tests, 8 days early.  Does this mean they will find leukemia cells in his bone marrow?  Or, does it mean he'll be released next week and we'll get to go back to our life?  You can bet we're on the edge of our seats.

We debated whether to share this much information on the blog, since we don't know anything definitive yet.  But, it's important that you understand this is part of the experience: the lobbying to try and make things happen, the waiting, the wondering and the worrying. 

It will seem like a long weekend, waiting for those test results to come back.  As soon as we hear, we'll pass the information along.  tick. . . tick. . . tick. . .


  1. I'm so glad you told us because now we can hold you in our thoughts and prayers tomorrow and the waiting days to come. Everything will be fine! It really will. Set the clock.

  2. I'm with Sue. I was thinking exactly that before I even saw what she wrote. I am honored that you share so much with us. Will be sending all the positivity within me your way. You're not alone.

  3. Dear Merrills:

    Good luck! Lisa and I will keep you both in our hearts. Sincerely hoping for the best!

    Mike & Lisa

  4. I agree with everyone. My thought and intention is that you will be home soon. I know this part is scary...but then hasn't much of this process been scary and uncertain? You two have beat it so will do it again.


Please leave a message for Roger if you would care to.