Sunday, February 6, 2011

Imagine a World Without Cancer

Today is World Cancer Day. 

The Livestrong Foundation works to reduce the stigma associated with cancer, improve access to treatment and prevent unnecessary suffering from cancer. Today they offer a "World Cancer Day Quiz" on their website to help us understand the scope of the problem that will touch so many of our lives.

The facts and figures are nothing short of astounding, but I find question number 4 to be particularly disturbing.  Roger and I sometimes feel isolated and alone here in Salt Lake City.  And we are very lucky; we have each other; we have our blog, email, cell phones. . . we have an excellent support system, a world class medical team, great friends and family that keep us bound to our real world.  I hate the thought of anyone facing cancer alone.  Imagine a better way.  We have to start somewhere.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful wish! Can't imagine anyone going it alone. That's so sad to even think about, and yet I am sure there are many out there doing just that.


Please leave a message for Roger if you would care to.