Tuesday, August 9, 2011

August 9, 2011

Some days it feels like the only path is straight up.
We are trying to wrap our brains around this latest health challenge and the associated risks.  We so wanted to put leukemia in the past and move on to a new, healthy life that it was difficult to accept anything less than a flawless, speedy and full  recovery.  This is not a signal that Roger's transplant has failed, it's not even a surprise to those who know about bone marrow transplants.  This is a curve in the path. 

Imagine us as mountain climbers.  We have struggled to make it to the summit and thought we were almost there.  And then the clouds parted, we saw the mountain top and realized that it's still a mile away.  It's exhausting and discouraging, but the only thing to do is to adjust our thinking and keep climbing.  In the length of time it takes us to alter our point of view, we can go from being unhappy to being happy.

Roger started a series of chemo treatments today.  It's too soon to say how he will respond or what side-effects he'll feel.  One thing we know for sure about daily treatments, trips to the pharmacy and an increased number of medical appointments:  it puts a crimp in our schedule.  And there are only the two of us and our dog to be concerned about.  I can hardly imagine how leukemia patients with young children can do it all; they have my heartfelt admiration.

In a few days we can let you know more about how the treatment is going. I expect we'll be a few steps closer to the summit by then.


  1. I don't really know who God is, but he is blessing you. Keep climbing!

  2. Love you Roger. I know this is just another chapter in your amazing story and journey. Love and prayers to you both from LA.


Please leave a message for Roger if you would care to.