Saturday, August 13, 2011

A Note from Roger

Hello to everyone. Thought I would give an update on my health. The leukemia has returned, more likely it was never truly gone. We got the news last Friday and it brought both Candi and I  to our knees. Candi is holding up great, but I notice a certain restlessness. A kind of subtle and constant discomfort. It’s breaking my heart. I feel bad for everyone that has been pulling for us. But what can you do? I am in day three of a 7 day chemo treatment plan. This most likely will be followed by another round depending on results. My counts have stopped falling. This is the first good news we’ve had. In addition, I have been slowly eliminating the drugs designed to ward off rejection of the transplant. This will increase my T cell production and jump-start a graft vs leukemia effect. My natural immune system will begin to do combat and in conjunction with the chemo could eliminate the dreaded leukemia. The downside to all this is I am becoming more susceptible to graft vs host disease in particular and other infections in general. Back to the life of a recluse. In a month my doctors will decide if it is necessary to return to Salt Lake for a quick infusion of brother Bob’s stem cells. The man is a champ.

So the transplant didn’t cure the disease. But it was not for naught. The graft did succeed. I have healthy bone marrow thanks to my brother. And if we hadn’t done the transplant I wouldn’t have these treatment options today. We still have a very good shot at this thing,

I’m feeling very strong. I’ve been working and painting and will continue. Our dog Sophie is healthy, happy and funny. The weather is clear and beautiful and I am surrounded with love and good will.


  1. Roger-- humm...let me think, who has the cuter gray whiskers? OK, you win! (but just barely :-)
    Thanks for checking in with us.

  2. Dear Roger:

    I wish to share a thought with you and Candi. While you both are enduring the fear and frustrations of leukemia you truly are not alone.

    Lisa and I intently watch and listen to every twist and turn you are experiencing, always happy for your successes, always sad for your trials and always hopeful for you both.

    I am sure we look to you both hoping to find the courage to fight our own battle. Hoping to see you succeed so that we can believe we too will be successful.

    Please know that we share your fears and wish to send you our deepest and most sincere wishes for a life happily ever after. You are making a huge difference to everyone who knows you. Keep up the fight.

    Sincerely, M.M.


Please leave a message for Roger if you would care to.