Saturday, November 13, 2010

Finding My Way

Salt Lake City is pretty when the sun shines.  But today it was gray and cold.

People keep telling me it's the easiest city in the world to find your way around because it's laid out on a grid.  I don't care what they say, I still find it confusing.  Roger drove me around town and gave directions to help me get oriented.  Starting Monday I will be driving myself.  Roger's directions didn't sink in.  I was confused and sullen.  And then I realized, I'm not getting this because I don't want to get it.  I don't want to be here.  I'm tired, I'm scared and I want to go home.  And the hard part hasn't even started yet.

But we are here.  Suck it up, girlfriend.  Find your way.


  1. You will find your way, we are all here to see to it!!

  2. Thank you both. I love knowing you're out there in the normal world, pulling for us. I love keeping in contact!


Please leave a message for Roger if you would care to.