Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Comin' Home Baby

Today was our big day. In the world of bone marrow transplants, the 100 day review is a big deal. It’s when you’re told whether all the effort has paid off, whether the transplant has worked. I’m pleased to report that in my case it has.  I am in full remission. There is still work to be done however. In fact, a stomach issue that has just popped up is going to require a test and depending on the findings, there may be additional treatments but it shouldn’t delay us. The long and short of it is Candi and I expect to be going home in a week or ten days.

Wow!  For a guy that talks as much as Roger usually does, he's being surprisingly circumspect today.  Don't be fooled by the "strong, silent" act.  We are celebrating!  Roger's bone marrow is 98% genetically identical to his brother's and the leukemia is in remission.  The last few months have been an unbelievable ordeal, yet, by all accounts, Roger has come through it beautifully and hit all his marks.  It will be a few days before we know just what the trouble is with his stomach.  It could be GVH, but even if it is, we expect to be able to treat it at home in Missoula.  I think I'll celebrate tonight by packing a few moving boxes.

This blog started with a song called Why Worry?  It seems only right to include another song now: Comin' Home Baby!



  2. I have happy tears! You just made my day, thank you for that!!!

  3. I am soooo happy and proud and incredulous that this part of your journey is finally coming to an end!!!

    Sophie sends her love...she wagged (i.e. vibrated) her tail when I told her that you were on your way home!!

  4. Now you can say, "I did it" for this leg of the journey. Huge strides for the two of you. And may I add you did it with grace?

  5. It's time to retire the "Bone Marrow Boogie" in favor of the "Comn' Home Jig!" So, when's the party? I'll chill a bottle of champagne.

    "Grace" indeed, Tammy. Sometimes lives and events in our lives intersect in peculiar and unexpected ways. I can't tell you all that I've learned from Candi and Roger in dealing with things in my own life.

    Truly, all the Bone Marrow Boogie bloggers should get together with Candi and Roger (and Sophie) to celebrate!

  6. Yippee! Nothing like home!!

  7. HHHMMMMM, no blog post today...must be busy packing

  8. Tears to my eyes, lump in my throat and music to my ears. Way to go Merrills! I am thrilled to read this news, thanks for showing us how it is done. I will have Lisa take note and follow.

    Wishing you both a long, happy and meaningful life together.

    Always pulling for you both, The McAteers

  9. We are so happy to hear that great news!! I'm glad I waited to send out those girl scout cookies. Now, when you get HOME, you'll have a nice snack to go with your tea.

    We love you both very much!! Happy packing!


Please leave a message for Roger if you would care to.