Thursday, March 3, 2011

Speed Bump

Blood tests and an endoscopy show that CMV (Cytomegalovirus [si-to-MEG-uh-lo-vi-rus]), is what has been bothering Roger’s stomach.  Like chicken pox or mononucleosis, the virus lives in most people their entire life and stays dormant most of the time.  A weakened immune system can allow it to wake up and cause symptoms; that’s what has happened in Roger's case.

Now that we have identified the problem that’s been making it difficult for Roger to eat, we can get to work solving it.  He’ll be on an antibiotic twice a day.  Unfortunately, it has to be an IV antibiotic, which requires delivery from a home health company.  He’ll be on it for 2-6 weeks so that means careful transition between the service in Salt Lake City and a new service in Missoula.  Thank goodness we’ve been practicing our IV skills, so we’re not too intimidated by this.  It's important that it be dealt with, but it's not too scary.  It takes a little more work and a little more time is all.

This will slow down our departure for home by a few days.  After what we’ve been through, this is hardly enough upset for us to miss a beat.  It’s just a speed bump, not a stop sign.  We’re still packing boxes and getting ready.


  1. You're right, the important thing is that they have identified the problem. Sounds like a lot of work, but all of this has been a lot of work. Glad that you'll still be coming home soon.


Please leave a message for Roger if you would care to.