Saturday, March 19, 2011

(They Should Have Said) Hang On, It's Going to be a Bumpy Ride

Sophie enjoyed her stay with Betsy and George, but she was needed at home.

We wanted to believe that there would be a seamless transition of Roger’s medical care to a team in Missoula.  We were disappointed to find that not only was there no transition plan, in fact, there had been very little communication between Salt Lake and Missoula.  Aftercare for transplant patients is complicated.  Roger’s doctor here in Missoula specializes in treating cancer.  To summarize his words, Roger could face a lot of problems in the near future, but cancer is not one of them, so he’s a bit mystified as to what to do with him now.  We’ll be seeing another doctor next week, one who has more experience with transplants.  Things will work out, but delays and differences in treatment protocols are unsettling.  In the mean time, we are enjoying being home, but being careful in the knowledge that the risk of infection is high and that any infection can go from bad to worse very quickly.  (By the way, Roger feels pretty well so he’s tempted to do more than he should.  Don’t worry, I won’t let him.)

On the home front, we unpacked boxes and settled in while waiting 10 days for a technician to reconnect our telephone land line, cable TV and internet service.  I knew I’d suffer from withdrawal and, boy, did I.  The house seems empty and quiet without a television, particularly in a big news week of world-changing events like the recent tsunami and it’s aftermath in Japan and the move to weaken public employee bargaining rights in Wisconsin.  As to the internet, after writing a blog post nearly every day for 5 months, I found that I missed the outlet, not to mention the virtual support of our blog followers. 

It’s good to be home!  It’s good to be a part of the world again.


  1. Oh we missed you too!!!! I'm checking your blog everyday and hoping, hoping for a new post, and here it is. Glad you are back. I'm sure it's been a tough week.

    PS Well, Sophie looks pretty happy :-)

  2. The Blog has become part of my day that I look forward to...welcome back, and don't be gone so long!!

    BTW...of course sooooo glad that you are ALL home and settled.
    Thank you Betsy for looking after Sophie...doesn't look like she went without!! : )


Please leave a message for Roger if you would care to.