Thursday, March 31, 2011

Happy Birthday, Grouch.

Roger's birthday is this Saturday.  About this time every year he turns into a grinch and says he doesn't want to celebrate. He doesn't like to think about being another year older.  I don't know about you, but I'm glad we get to celebrate another birthday this year; we almost didn't get the chance.

Birthdays are not about getting older, they are about being alive.


  1. Ha! I just had one yesterday. (I'm with you, Roger.) That must mean we are both Aries. But Candi is right!

  2. Well, it's happy birthday to TWO grouches, then!

  3. Happy Birthday in-spite of yourself....Hope you have to muddle through many more.....

    The McAteers

  4. Happy Birthday Roger!

    Love what Mike said-that should be a Hallmark card!

  5. I think that the idea that Roger is like the Grinch is, frankly, right on. Look at the similarities… Both the Grinch and Roger live in a cold place that has lots and lots of snow in the mountains, they both have a faithful dog (i.e. Max and Sophie), they live in a community whose citizens aggravate the heck out of them. But in the end, they have both come to realize how profoundly unshakable and transformational true human kindness has on their hearts.

    Happy Birthday, Roger!


Please leave a message for Roger if you would care to.