Saturday, February 26, 2011

Are you kidding me?

I groaned audibly when I opened the blinds this morning and saw this outside our window.  The snow has continued coming down all day.  It just goes on and on. . .

I can't seem get a photo of the birds, but there are about 20 or 30 regular visitors to our feeder.  It started with a small group and now includes their families and extended families, including distant relatives from out of state.  The news about free food sure gets around.  When it snows the birds are more frantic than ever to eat.  Maybe they eat out of boredom like I do.


  1. Oh! We feel your pain. Winter won't go away in Seattle. Today, not above freezing and with a nice cold blanket of damp clouds to make it really miserable. Put on a DVD and snuggle up tonight.

  2. I hear you! Cd'A is just now experiencing winter and it feels like Mother Nature has lost her timing. We need to think Spring... going to the nursery and smelling moist potting soil and manure. Doesn't that sound great?


Please leave a message for Roger if you would care to.