Saturday, February 5, 2011

Date Night

We went to a movie this afternoon!  That may not be remarkable for the average American couple, but it is for us. We haven't been out on a date since June.  That's when Roger left to work in Saudi Arabia.  Shortly after he returned in August we found out the leukemia had relapsed and since then, it's been all work and no play for the Merrills.  We're beginning to understand what it must feel like to be incarcerated.  We have to be really careful to avoid germs, (Roger wore his mask and gloves) but complete isolation can't be healthy either.  We saw the Coen Brother's film True Grit.  It was not too crowded and no one sat near us that was coughing and sneezing.

As we were tottering along, I realized we have become one of those funny little couples, holding hands and watching the world race past us at what seems like breakneck speed.  But, it was fun being out in the world, and who knows?  We might do it again.


  1. Very nice that you got out for a "normal" activity. You need that. How was the movie? I was a fan of the original, so have been hesitant about whether or not I want to see a remake.

  2. Yea, I am so excited that you guys were able to have a "date" nice to have some form of normalcy. Next up...Happy Hour!!

  3. Back to normal sounds so good. I had a wonderful dream the other night that the 4 of us were hanging out together all relaxed, happy and healthy. The only weird thing was Roger was crocheting! Well, you never know what creative thing Rogers' gonna do next. :-)


Please leave a message for Roger if you would care to.