Sunday, February 13, 2011

Beautiful and Funny

Happy Valentines Day!
Our daughter Taylor and son-in-law Rod sent these beautiful tulips for Valentine's Day.  Of course, the rules say Roger can't have flowers or plants because of potential contamination from mold, spores, and pollen. But they are too beautiful to give up and they work like a tonic on our spring fever.  So I put them outside on the patio just on the other side of the glass door.  Not only can we see them, they are on center stage.  It's a shame my camera can't capture the sunlight coming through the red vase. It acts like a prism and fractures the light so that it glitters and glows.

Roger shows off his new eyebrows
Roger's eyebrows have grown back.  We're not sure when that happened.   They just suddenly appeared today.  We're hoping some hair appears on his head tomorrow.  He's a serious goof ball.


  1. I love them! I love tulips...I think they are my favorite flowers.
    I am stealing your quote and posting it on Ty's website. He and his girl friend broke up yesterday and I think this might put a smile on his face.

    I sure do miss you. Sophie sends her love.


    Marriage is like a deck of cards...... In the beginning, all you need is two Hearts and a Diamond.... But, by the end, you wish you had a freakin Club and Spade!!!! Hehehehehehe

  3. The Woody Allen quote on love is good! I heard a good quote yesterday from Doc Humes--a co-founder of the Paris Review. There was an excellent documentary about him at the Doc Fest. He was a crazy-son-of-a-bitch, but brilliant. He said, "You never stop loving someone you used to love . . . once you remove the stone from your shoe."

    There was also another quote on love from the documentary, "Love, Etc." . . . "First there is the engagement ring. Then the wedding ring. And finally the suffering."

  4. Love it!! Happy Valentine's Day to you both. You know Casey....we have never celebrated V-Day. I hope you and Roger had a nice, relaxing day.

    Totally dig the new eyebrows! Let us know when Roger starts to sprout hair on his head. :)

    Love you both!
    Denise and Casey


Please leave a message for Roger if you would care to.