Saturday, January 19, 2013

Roger Merrill: April 2, 1947 – January 18, 2013

I think that we can all agree that over the past few years, Mom has been most eloquent keeping you all abreast of Roger’s battle with Leukemia.  So today I take a turn at updating the blog.  The news is not good, but is not bad either.

Roger had a peaceful passing last evening, surrounded by what he considered to be his greatest love, his friends and family.  What is it about this news you ask, that is “not bad”?   Roger battled Leukemia fiercely for several years, even winning the battle, and rising to the coveted “cured” status, albeit briefly.  He never took his health, life or loved ones for granted.  He lived life to the fullest, had a love for Mom that was unmatched.  He held a strong belief in the power of a positive attitude, and a good sense of humor.  He cultivated happiness.  He was committed to doing work in advertising and communications that made a positive contribution to the world.  

Roger passed last night just as he had wished, no pain, no suffering, just drifting off in to a peaceful slumber.  Dignified, so I say…”not bad”.

Roger Merrill, you will be forever in our hearts.



  1. Oh my.............. Not surprised but very sad. Glad you made it home.

  2. Candi and Taylor -- to pass peacefully, with those you love and who love you... a fitting finish for a very good man. He had a lot of strength too -- I can still see him puffing his way up the mountain in Glacier this past summer -- nothing holding him back. Keep your spirits up ladies! Love, Sharon and Craig

  3. Taylor...I am so proud of you. You are your mother's daughter in more ways than one. Your words and love for her and Roger overwhelmed me today. You not only honored an incredibly unique, intelligent, funny and inspiring man, but you demonstrated the strength that only love can provide. Give each other a big hug from George and I. Love...

  4. Candi and Taylor~
    My thoughts and prayers go out to you both along with your family and friends. I will miss Roger's infectious smile!
    Hugs to you and God bless in this difficult time...

  5. Candi, please know that my thoughts are with you in this time of great sadness. I wish you and your family peace and comfort.....Michelle Quinn

  6. I am proud to have known him. I will always think of that bright, happy spirit and accompanying smile. - I raise a glass to his memory, Louie

  7. I have fond and funny memories of the many times working with Roger. He was a free spirit in so many ways. He relayed to us often how happy he was to have found Candi and he seemed settled in, very happy, and at peace with the world. in the past year or so, he was upbeat and told us he was more worried about his family than his illness. R.I.P., Roger the dodger!


Please leave a message for Roger if you would care to.