Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Years, No News

Roger looks better and feels better than he did when he first checked in to the hospital 10 days ago.  There hasn't been much change over the last 2-3 days though.  He sleeps about 20 hours a day.  He is on a constant IV drip with antibiotics, and he's on oxygen 100% of the time.  Illnesses don't follow their regular course in the bodies of people that have no immune systems.  A little virus that would produce sniffles in you and me could be a death sentence for someone that doesn't have any white blood cells to fight it.  An il virus that would make me ill for 3 days, can hang on and on and on in a person with no immune system.  That's why we wash our hands, sanitize our home surfaces and wear gloves out in public.  You can never be careful enough -- obviously we were not careful enough.

There is no talk about moving Roger back to Missoula.  It has been 10 days since he had an infusion of his brother's T-cells.  The talk now is to just wait a little bit longer and see if they can see any signs that those T-cells are getting to work to help fight thi infection.  Whether it works or not, the next few days will help clarify our next steps.

I always make New Year's resolutions.  And I'm usually pretty good about keeping them, too.  2013 is off to such a rough start, I can hardly think what I would want to do beyond just surviving it.

I finished the courswork for my MPA Degree in December.  I have only to turn in my graduation application, my portfolio and one final writing assignment.  The grad application is due by January 15th.  I wonder if I'll make it?  I wonder if Roger will get to hold my diploma in his hands?

1 comment:

  1. You will make the deadline- I will put money on it. I also have a new year's resolution for you. It is adapted from one of George Carlin's - "Never give up on an idea simply because it is bad and doesn’t work. Cling to it even when it is hopeless. Anyone can cut and run, but it takes a very special person to stay with something that looks like a miracle." I don't think you will fail this resolution, it's a sure thing. I love you.


Please leave a message for Roger if you would care to.